Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

what's new

the life of cooper j michael at 11 1/2 months:
*still crawling mowgley style
(we have decided if there was an olympic event for this, he could enter)
*walking, but only when holding onto something.
(like the other day, he only had a hold of the corner of my sweater... lazy!)
*he got his top left tooth in last week
(working on the other 3 up there)
*talking!!! that's right, i said talking.
-hi and he waves(always with a 3 second delay)
-coco (the dog)
-dada (of course. still no real sign of 'mama')
-hot (and he will look at the stove)
-no no (oops! he just started that one today)
-gee gee (that's my mom; aka GiGi. but he says it right to her)
*playing catch
(on any given moment in the day, there are 8 balls loose in our house. all different colors and sizes. they are kept in bins around the house and he will go on a search until they are all out and he can throw them, with you, or just to catch himself)
*feeding the dog
(since he could pick things up on his own, i have been letting him give coco her treats. mainly so that she would start to like him. so he has gotten the hang of it on his own and will get down after eating and hold onto one of his bites of food and scurry toward her and she will come up and get it. i really do need to get that one on video)
*open mouth kisses
(only from his own son would g accept an open mouth, wet one from another guy. pretty cute to watch every time though. i never get tired of it)
*the opening and the closing
(of every door, cupboard, cabinet he can get his little mits on...constantly. he doesn't really care about what's on the other side of it, he just wants to open it and then close it. i really thought he would have grown out of it by now. what do i know)
*he loves
-being outside
-punching g's heavy bag
-any ball
*he doesn't come to work with me anymore.
(more of a bummer for me, i'm sure)
*he continues to be the easiest, happiest, most laid back baby.
i will get new pics up soon.