Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Yep, it's official, I'm 30! It was much easier than turning 25 and I had a great day! or few days rather. Gabe and my parents, my mom really, threw an amazing little shindig for me which was perfect. Mexican themed, of course, complete with a pinata full of candy!
Here are a couple of pics of Gabe and I. I thought you could see my belly better in the one of the three of us, but it's not really there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gabe and Mandy,
Hey - I fnally made it to your blog and loved reading up on the growth of your family! The pictures are wonderful.
So, congratulations (formally) from Aunt Sarah in MD on Mandy enjoying her 30th, but mostly on your pregnancy.

Just wait until your 40th...or you are preparing to send your first born to college in 1.5 months. SIGH! I think that turning 40 is when you realize age is truly irrelevant - it is just a number - what matters is what you have learned on your journey so far, your state of mind, your outlook, and how you choose to share it all with those who matter most.

The next 18 years will be incredible, and they will pass fast. Enjoy the ride!