Wednesday, June 18, 2008


As most of you know by now, Mandy and I have recently been informed by the doctor of our offsprings gender. We know that some of you don't want to know yet and prefer to be surprised in October. No the final sentence of this posting, we will reveal what we know (gender and name), and we will give fair warning. Here are a few other updates before we release the info. I (Gabe) finally started my new career at WM (Waste Management). I am now "connected" so if you need anyone "whacked" please let me know at and I will be sure to have "Vinny" take care of it... CAPECHE!!! Just kidding...but I do have a new phone number 9162050272 if anyone needs it. Mandy is doing great. Mandy is growing before my eyes. She is the cutest pregnant woman I've ever seen. She tells me the baby is moving all the time. When I'm in the same room she will put my hand on her tummy and let me feel (WARNING!!!! I AM GOING TO RELEASE THE GENDER INFO, PLEASE LOG OFF NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW) son Cooper "Coop" Michael. That's right y'all...we are going to have a boy and we are frickin' thrilled. I will now start accepting all bouncy balls. That's all for now. Take care!!!!!!

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