Saturday, July 12, 2008

25 weeks down and another wedding

gabe's cousin david got married this last weekend in pleasanton. it was pretty hot out there, but so beautiful! we got to spend some pretty great time with the michael side of the family and let me tell you, they can party! there are a few things that i know about the michaels as a whole:
1. they have strong opinions (not a bad thing)
2. they don't like it when you "peek" a.k.a find out the sex
3. they love an open dance floor!
they booed the dj at the end of the reception! i have never in all of the weddings i have been to, heard a crowd boo the was hillarious! they just wanted to keep on dancing, and when he wouldn't/couldn't keep going, some of them even tried to start singing to keep the party going! i loved it. that was probably the last time for a while that gabe and i will be able to close down a dance floor, and i was glad to be able to do it with people who were so enthusiastic about it! so, thank you michael family!

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