Saturday, October 4, 2008


Hello. This is Gabe and this is the sound inside my head (please refer to the title of this entry). The closer we get to the "due date" the longer it takes. This reminds me of the first time I went to Disneyland...each day seems like a week. I'm sure for Mandy it seems like a month. Anyway...Mandy is hanging in there. I am impressed with her patience and discomfort tolerance. She's tough! Cooper will have a great role model...he will not be a complainer. Mandy now is officially on maternity leave and she is keeping busy with small projects and rest. Lately, we have been around many babies. In September: Brandon and Nicole had a little girl named Ella, Wade and Heather gave birth to Devan, and our nephew Jackson turned one. Lots of little voices, diaper changes, screaming, laughing, and holding. I equate all these experiences to hitting a bucket of balls before tee time. Practice. "Practice!-Allen Iverson

Oh, speaking of sports. If the six degrees of seperation theory is true, then can someone please pass a few comments on to Al Davis. (1) Just Retire BABY! (2) Please review a new Commitment to a new wardrobe, comb, and lotion.

See Ya!

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