Saturday, March 29, 2008

G. Diddy Makes His 1st Statement

Let me start with this question...How is there a teen pregnancy problem? Seriously...conception is NOT that easy. Anyway, I learned three things from this experience; (1) persistence pays off (2) science works (3) and science is expensive...

Now that we are expecting I am VERY excited! I cannot wait until late October when I get to become a dad. I've already experienced massive change since witnessing the "+" sign across the wand. There is a sense of responsibility and anxiety that is much greater than before. Memo to Mandy: the best way for me to deal with this new stress is to play MANY rounds of golf and preferably 3-5x/week. Just kidding (unless you weren't). I know everything will be fine, and in a weird way I like the new stresses.

OK...let's discuss this ballet thing. First of all, I have to say ask...who the hell thinks men dancing, twirling and stretching while showing their junk is art? WOW! The next ballet will involve Johnny Walker, a flask, $250 in $1 bills and an ipod. And yes...Mandy did give me the out, but I know how to translate "the out" means suit up and take me to the ballet. I did enjoy spending time with Mandy and I'll do it again, only next time I will review the male dancers wardrobe prior to going.

I must tell you all that I love how excited Mandy is about this. I've known her for 11 years and have never seen her this happy...and that is my favorite part. Oh yeah...please do not send any books relating to pregnancy topics. Mandy already has 16 of them...and has read them all...twice!
That's all for now. I will pipe in again some other time. Maybe around Masters week. Hey, that reminds me, what do you all think about the name Tiger, Hogan, or Arnie?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

10 1/2 weeks!

This is flying by! The nausea has found a home in my stomach in the last couple of weeks, and I would have to say that it is more of an all day affair now. I still haven't thrown up so I consider myself lucky and will take this any day over being permanently posted up by the toilet! The belly is beginning to show. It seems like it just showed up on Tuesday morning... unexpectedly. More of a bloated look than a baby, but belly all the same. I will get a picture up and you can let me know.

Monday, March 24, 2008

we ALL went to the ballet!

Hard to believe, but I managed to drag Gabe (and baby) to the ballet on Friday night! We saw Sleeping Beauty, and before any of you say it, I even offered him an out! I told him back in November when I got the tickets that I would just see if one of my girlfriends wanted to go, but he was down for it. So, as the days grew closer, I think he was starting to regret his decision being as he would have rather been drinking beer with my brother! He was a very good sport, put his suit on and took his tired, pregnant wife out for the night. Everything started great. We had a great meal at Maosn's and then walked over to the theater and that was when the first of the bad blows only at the bar! He was bummed! Not only was he going to have to watch men in tights, but he was going to have to do it sober. We found our seats, the lights went down and the show started. Thankfully the music was lound and it was dark because as soon as those guys came out, my husband was visibly laughing. Not just a little chuckle, but laughing like when you're in church as a kid and you aren't supposed to be laughing! I hate to speak for him, but I would have to say that the highlight for him was when the company took their final bow and we could stand up to leave. Such a good sport for going though! I can also say that if this child is a boy, I'm not sure Gabe will let me take him to the ballet. Maybe a musical...

Friday, March 14, 2008

8 weeks and counting

Okay all, here is your first look at the "tummy". Not much to look at yet, but just you wait...
We had our first doctor appointment this week. Talk about the biggest waste of 2 hours! We did paperwork the first hour and then met with a nurse practitioner, who was very nice, for part of the second. Yep, that's right, didn't see the doctor, didn't see the baby, didn't even get to hear the heartbeat! Now, you just don't do that to an expecting mom! I wanted reassurance that something was growing in there still! It was a good thing that we got a look at the little blob two weeks ago when we went to the fertility doctor. And the only reason he looked was to see how many sacks were in there (only one for those of you who were still wondering). Thank you Dr. Boyers! To top off the visit, we learned that the only ultrasound they are probably going to do is at 20 weeks!!! Needless to say, when I see Dr. Ho at the next appointment, I will be talking to her about that.

new to this blogging business

I am totally new to this blogging business, so please bear with me for the first few weeks!
As most of you know, Gabe and I are expecting our new addition in late October. It is October 21, but as I learned the other day, the first time expectant mom will go over her due date by 8 days, on average!!!! Holy crap! Maybe we should have thought about these things a little harder during those 2 1/2 years of trying. Just kidding!
So, to let you know what this blog is going to contain, I will try and lay it all out now. I will put up some ranting and raving, some thoughts, questions to everyone out there who has ever had a mom or dad, and of course, what everyone is waiting for, pictures of me getting fat! And I know that everyone reading this is nodding their head saying 'we can't wait for those'!
I do want to thank all of you in advance for all of your thoughts and prayers for this little one! Love to you all and by the end of this, you probably won't want to hear from me.