Friday, June 20, 2008

22 weeks and Molly graduates!

Gabe and I on #2 Rodeo in Beverly Hills
Full on belly bikini shot! hee hee!
Molly's graduation from UCLA
Waiting around for the festivities to begin.
So, week 22 has come and is almost gone. I could have gotten these up sooner, but Gabe had a major update to post before I could do that. Gabe and I got to get out of town last weekend, which was needed. His little sister, Molly, graduated from UCLA with an econ degree(yuck to the rest of the human race)! We are very proud of her. She is the only person that I know that was still stressing out about her last set of finals. I mean, the girl already has a job for crying out loud! She will start at the accounting firm of Deloitte and Touche(sorry Molls, I might not have spelled that right) in August. So, this is her last summer on her parents payroll and then she is off on her own and will do great!
Tim and Karen were kind enough to put us up in The Beverly Hilton for the weekend and it was a great hotel. Right in the heart of Beverly Hills and close to everything. I got some shopping and pool time in. Although I may have scarred my father-in-law for life by wearing a bikini and not covering up my belly. Oh well, he'll get over it. I wish you all could have seen his face was priceless!


Unknown said...

Hi Man! Congratulations on your little one to come!! A baby boy:) I am so excited for you.

hugs and xoxooxxo love,

Unknown said...

You look great!!! Belly and all:)