Friday, March 14, 2008

8 weeks and counting

Okay all, here is your first look at the "tummy". Not much to look at yet, but just you wait...
We had our first doctor appointment this week. Talk about the biggest waste of 2 hours! We did paperwork the first hour and then met with a nurse practitioner, who was very nice, for part of the second. Yep, that's right, didn't see the doctor, didn't see the baby, didn't even get to hear the heartbeat! Now, you just don't do that to an expecting mom! I wanted reassurance that something was growing in there still! It was a good thing that we got a look at the little blob two weeks ago when we went to the fertility doctor. And the only reason he looked was to see how many sacks were in there (only one for those of you who were still wondering). Thank you Dr. Boyers! To top off the visit, we learned that the only ultrasound they are probably going to do is at 20 weeks!!! Needless to say, when I see Dr. Ho at the next appointment, I will be talking to her about that.


The Carolan's said...

You will love your bowling ball belly and will be the cutest pregnant lady! As you know I have the same doctor and got 5 ultra sounds! Dr. Ho will take care of you! I am sure that will be the worst appointment you have, they were great!

Anonymous said...

Looking good. Love you both


Daddy Narbs said...

What's up! 8 weeks has come really fast. You are only 7 weeks behind us. Sorry to hear about your wasted trip to see Dr. Ho. You will get to hear and see the baby really soon. They are ultrasound happy in Arizona, we have had three just in the past three weeks. Next time your in there, just ask to see a ultra sound. We got to see our first site of Baby Narbs at 6 weeks!
Glad you are doing well. Couple more weeks and you will be showing! Bring on the bowling ball belly!