Friday, March 14, 2008

new to this blogging business

I am totally new to this blogging business, so please bear with me for the first few weeks!
As most of you know, Gabe and I are expecting our new addition in late October. It is October 21, but as I learned the other day, the first time expectant mom will go over her due date by 8 days, on average!!!! Holy crap! Maybe we should have thought about these things a little harder during those 2 1/2 years of trying. Just kidding!
So, to let you know what this blog is going to contain, I will try and lay it all out now. I will put up some ranting and raving, some thoughts, questions to everyone out there who has ever had a mom or dad, and of course, what everyone is waiting for, pictures of me getting fat! And I know that everyone reading this is nodding their head saying 'we can't wait for those'!
I do want to thank all of you in advance for all of your thoughts and prayers for this little one! Love to you all and by the end of this, you probably won't want to hear from me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such a doll! You will not get fat! You will be the cutest prego momma ever! Thank you for sharing this with us all! I look forward to your postings!!