Monday, March 9, 2009

The big day

October 21, the night before. Right after Gabe took this picture we went to PF Chang's and had dinner. I thought for sure I would make it to my next Dr appt., which was 2 days away. Little did I know that at about 1:52 Am my water would break and I would wind up having this baby!

This is about 3ish in the morning. I didn't have my epidural yet, but the contractions were still bearable. It was just Gabe and I at this point. We figured it was no use calling everyone in the middle of the night, when we were going to be there for a while. In fact, we were the first ones to check in that day. We decided to call the delivery room crew once I had gotten my epidural, except for my mom, of course. Thankfully she was there when they were attempting to give me my epidural because she remembered some pertinent info from my back surgery that I was in no condition to recollect. It took a few tries, but they managed to get through and all was well. Or so I thought...

This was mid-day, after they gave me a super boost of my epidural. It was wearing off and i was starting to feel pain in my right hip area. So, the anesthesiologist came and gave me a mega-dose. I was only dilated to a 6 at the last check, so they figured it wouldn't hurt anything. That killed all pain and i got to relax a little. At least until the nurse came in 20 minutes later and checked me again. This time I was a 9! No wonder i was starting to feel some pressure. Although, I couldn't figure out why all the pain in my hip and back, until..... they told me he was sunny side up! Babies are supposed to come out face down. Well, Cooper wanted to see the world right off the bat. He was face up. So, we were spine on spine and that would be where the pain was coming from. From here, things got a little hairy. Heart beats dropping, nurses everywhere, contractions not doing what they were supposed to be doing. They even were throwing around the word C-Section. At this point I had been in labor for 13 hours. Had been dilated to a 9 for 3 hours, I was going to kill someone if they were going to do a C-Section. So much commotion was in my room. They were paging my doctor, holding an O.R. waiting to see if that was what she wanted to do. Meanwhile, Gabe is holding my hand, running his hand through my hair and talking me through each contraction, which I can feel with full force. I am not sure what the dialogue was between him and my mom at this time, or if there was any. I just remember chaos. Then Dr. Ho sweeping in at the nick of time. Calling off the O.R. and reassuring me that we were going to deliver this baby the old fashion way. And she stayed with me for the next 2 hours until i pushed him down far enough that she could get the vacuum on his little head and get him out of that birth canal. She warned me sometime during that last hour that he had pooped in the womb and they weren't going to let him breath until they got his airway cleared, so I wasn't going to hear him cry right off the bat and her was going to be purple, but he was fine. Ok, I thought. I can handle that, just get him out. Well, she did just that and she was right, he was a shade of purple that I had never seen before. It scared the hell out of me. And even though I know they were doing it for a reason, I just wanted to hear a little cry to know that he was alright. He did start making little noises and told em he was good, but had inhaled some of that poop and they were taking him to the NICU to watch him. Gabe went with Cooper and my mom, Alexi and Denise stayed with me. 
The picture on the left, he is still in the room with me, but the one on the right is him in the NICU with Gabe. Everyone got to go in and see him there. Thankfully they came back to me with reports because I didn't get to see him again for 3 hours. But, when he came back, all was fine and he was healthy and hungry! 
By the time we got up to our room upstairs, we were the last ones there. First ones in, last ones out.

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