Monday, March 9, 2009

Here's a recent one

Here he is at about 4 months with Uncle Brennon. DOing his favorite thing of late, blowing raspberries! The more spit he can get out the better. He thinks he is pretty funny. All boy!


Anonymous said...

He is soooo cute!! Your labor was pretty awful, but atleast you got a cute and wonderful baby out of all that pain!


Anonymous said...

Too cute! We need to get together again soon!


Unknown said...

Sweetie, It is always such a joy to see you and your wonderful little raspberry blowing bundle. Labor/delivery is a pain...hahah but before long it will be but a faded memory and you'll be wanting to add to your gorgeous little group.

many hugs

Anonymous said...

Great picture of Coop! He is so funny. Glad to see you back up and blogging. I was beginning to wonder if you guys were going to make a liar out of me ;). Reading the labor day story made me realize how thankful I am that God is in control and that we can trust His plan. Can you imagine if you had known all of that in advance?? Love you all very much.

Anonymous said...

He's an absolute doll! I can't wait until I get to meet him in person!